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The Treatment of Shame in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy
Behavioral Care Center of New Jersey, Metro NY DBT Center, Sunrise Residential Treatment Center and Optimum Performance Institute bring you this seminar which will provide training on targeting shame in treatment from a Dialectical Behavior Therapy and a Compassion Focused Therapy perspective.
Date: September 21 and 22, 2018
Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day
Place: Hyatt Regency Morristown (3 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ)
Fee: $650.00 for per person for individual registration. For groups of 5 people or more the cost is $600.00 per person for group registration. If you are interested in the student rate please email for further details. All Payments must be received by 8/21/18 or when capacity is reached.
Register: There is a two-step registration process. 1) Complete the registration form online. 2) Checks should be made out to BCCNJ and sent to BCCNJ, 205 Ridgedale Ave, Suite 101, Florham Park, NJ 07932. Payment will be accepted by check or cash only. Confirmation of registration and payment will be sent by email.
Training Description:
Shame is a frequently experienced and expressed emotion in psychotherapy. Research has indicated that the experience of shame is associated with suicidal behaviors, substance use, and other negative emotions. Despite the prevalence and associated negative consequence of shame, there is a dearth of theory-driven clinical approaches to the treatment of shame. This workshop brings together two experts in evidence based treatments designed to target emotion dysregulation: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). Theories and methods for addressing shame in each of these treatments will be taught and practiced.
In DBT, shame is conceptualized as maladaptive when its presence does not “fit the facts” of the situation or the intensity of the shame interferes with problem solving and coping effectively. DBT’s approach to the treatment of shame involves thorough assessment including the determination of shame cues and the use of exposure strategies and skills such as “opposite action” and “mindfulness of emotions.”
CFT is based upon an integration of affective neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, CBT and Buddhist meditation and directly targets the cultivation of compassion as a mechanism of action in therapy. A growing body of research demonstrates how cultivating our compassionate minds can help us conquer shame. The workshop will teach participants direct, experiential methods for cultivating the compassionate mind, using meditation, visualization, and other dimensions of training the mind. CFT “Compassionate Mind Training” which has been found effective in the treatment of shame and other psychological suffering.
The presenters will present each therapy’s approach to the treatment of shame and similarities and differences will be highlighted. For the Training Objectives and information about CEs, please click here.
For the Schedule, Please Click Here.
We have arranged for a special rate at the hotel for anyone attending the conference. The reduced rate will be available through August 21st. Please Click Here to access the reduced rate.
Meet the Presenters:
Shireen Rizvi, PhD, ABPP is currently Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University where she also holds affiliate appointments in the psychology department and the Department of Psychiatry. She received her BA from Wesleyan University, her PhD from the University of Washington, and completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the VA Boston/National Center for PTSD. Her research interests include improving outcomes, training, and dissemination of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for the treatment of complex and severe populations. She has received foundation and federal funding and her work has resulted in over 60 peer-reviewed articles and chapters. Shireen is board certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and DBT. She is President of the Board of ISITDBT and was its conference program chair for 2 years. She has trained hundreds of practitioners in DBT from around the world. In addition, Shireen is an active member of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) for which she chaired the Awards and Recognition Committee from 2011-2014, and most recently completed a three-year term as Coordinator of Academic and Professional Issues. With immense gratitude, Shireen received the ABCT Spotlight on a Mentor Award in 2017.
Dennis Tirch, PhD - is the Founder and Director of The Center for Compassion Focused Therapy in New York, NY; President of The Compassionate Mind Foundation, USA; and serves on the faculty of Icahn Medical School at Mt. Sinai, NY. Dr. Tirch is an author of 6 books, and numerous chapters and peer reviewed articles, concerning compassion, mindfulness and acceptance in psychotherapy. He has also served on the faculty of Cornell Weill Medical College and Albert Einstein Medical School. Dr. Tirch served as the Associate Director of The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, with Dr. Robert Leahy, for 12 years. Dr. Tirch regularly conducts Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) trainings, consultation & workshops globally, training hundreds of people each year in advanced applications of evidence based therapy. Dr. Tirch is a Fellow of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS); a Diplomate, Fellow & Certified Consultant & Trainer for The Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Founding Fellow and the Past-President of The NYC-CBT Association, & Founding President Emeritus of The New York City Chapter of ACBS. Dr. Tirch is an Associate Editor of The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Therapy. Dr. Tirch’s work has been featured in numerous media outlets from the Wall Street Journal to NPR. He has been described as the foremost expert in CFT in the USA.
Questions or concerns: If you have any questions or concerns not addressed on the website, please email or or call 973-660-0700.

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