Training Objectives
Part 1
Primary Objective:
As a result of this training participants will be able to help children and parents target external controlling factors.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
1. Determine who might benefit from DBT-C.
2. Convey evidence for model to clients & stakeholders.
3. Describe how DBT-C was developed from standard DBT.
4. Describe the biosocial model for severe emotion dysregulation and corresponding behavioral dyscontrol inpreadolescent children
5. List the treatment hierarchy of DBT-C.
6. Structure DBT-C to meet the required functions of treatment.
7. Help parents understand the dialectical dilemmas of parenting.
8. Help parents learn Behavior Change Model and create a change-ready environment.
9. Introduce parents to behavior modification techniques.
10. Help parents implement behavior management plans.
11. Help parents create a validating environment.
12. Help parents understand and overcome their difficulties with implementing techniques.
13. Teach parents and children to engage in problem solving.
14. Teach parents and children how to do cognitive restructuring.
15. Conduct behavioral analysis with children.
16. Conduct exposures with children.
17. Teach parents and children to understand emotion.
18. Describe the DBT-C Emotion Change Model.
19. Teach DBT-C skills training.
20. Structure the DBT-C program to fit your setting.
Part 2
Primary Objective:
As a result of this training participants will be able to help children and parents identify functions of their responses and achieve insight into internal controlling factors.
Learning Objectives
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
1. Describe DBT-C secondary targets.
2. Describe the three core senses.
3. Describe Core Problem Analysis (CPA).
4. Describe how CPA differs from other therapeutic models.
5. Describe main functions of CPA.
6. Describe CPA Emotion Model.
7. Describe 10 Principles of conducting CPA.
8. Help parents understand factors that increase vulnerabilities in core senses.
9. Describe interventions to decrease vulnerabilities to the sense of self-love.
10. Describe interventions to decrease vulnerabilities to the sense of safety.
11. Describe interventions to decrease vulnerabilities to the sense of belonging.
12. Teach parents to implement techniques to decrease their own vulnerabilities in core senses.
13. Teach parents to implement techniques to decrease vulnerabilities in core senses in their children.
14. Describe adaptive and maladaptive CPA profiles.
Continuing Education:
Part 1: 21.75 for Psychologists
Part 3: 21.75 for Psychologists
CE's for Social Workers and Counselors are Pending.
Rutgers Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Rutgers Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content.