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COVID-19 Resources


In this time of social distancing, it is more important than ever to stay connected and active.  We have gathered some resources that may help you to manage your mood if you are feeling overwhelmed.


Dr. Russ Harris has put together a wonderful and brief overview on how to manage the current criss.  It can be found here: Russ Harris’ Practical Steps for managing the crisis effectively:


If you are a health care provider struggling to manage the emotional intensity of the current situation, these videos have been put together just for you:


For Children:

If you have a child and are struggling to describe what is going on to them this may be a useful tool.  It is a comic book that describes Covid-19 and was made for children:


There are a multitude of ways to keep your child busy on line.  Some of our favorites involve children either moving their bodies or learning a new skill.


While staying busy is helpful, staying connected to others is essential.  Here are some fun ways that children can connect with one another on line:


Play Uno on line:

Play a board game with a friend:

Play cards:

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